Welcome to our sixth form, RR6
RR6 is the combined sixth form of Ricards Lodge High School and Rutlish School. We offer students at different academic levels access to courses in a wide range of curriculum areas including our specialist subjects – Mathematics, Computing, Performing and Visual Arts – ensuring access to university education and a wide range of vocational careers.
As a sixth form student at RR6 you will benefit from our commitment to first class teaching and also a pastoral framework that will support you in becoming an independent achiever. Our two schools are United in Excellence to ensure that quality and continuity of support, advice and guidance for all students.
Every sixth form student has the opportunity to develop themselves by taking part in our enrichment programme which is timetabled for every Year 12 student and takes place fortnightly on a Wednesday afternoon. It is a fantastic chance for students to gain some invaluable extra experience to add to their CV or university applications, or simply just to get involved in something they enjoy or something new!
Our students receive advice and guidance about their Post 18 options throughout their time in the Sixth Form. The majority of our students apply to university and are successful in securing places on a variety of courses at a range of universities across the country. Around 95% of our 2021 RR6 leavers went on to study a variety of diverse undergraduate courses at a wide range of leading universities. Other students have gained places on art foundation courses, universities abroad, gap years, apprenticeships and employment.
As you approach the end of your Key Stage 4 courses you are faced with a range of choices about what you do next. The decision to remain in education has many advantages. You will need higher qualifications in order to progress into higher education. In the workplace, those with higher level qualifications, including graduates, can command considerably higher salaries than those without. Remaining in education is an investment which will pay dividends throughout your life.
enables students to achieve highly and challenge their thinking
- provides well qualified, specialist staff in small teaching groups
- ensures a smooth transition from Key Stage 4 to 5
- is a safe and secure environment in which to learn in close collaboration with students and their families
- provides a supportive and effective tutorial and pastoral programme to support students in their academic, social and personal development in school and beyond
- tailors teaching to meet the needs of the individual and monitors progress regularly, enabling students to develop self-confidence and celebrate success
- provides a specialist environment with dedicated sixth form facilities
- provides a rich programme of extra-curricular activities
- plays an active role in its community
- creates leadership opportunities for all students
- is a rich and diverse community
- is your local sixth form centre conveniently located over two sites in Wimbledon
- is a challenging and stimulating learning environment.
In the sixth form your relationships with staff will change significantly. We expect you to enter a learning partnership with staff in which you will be challenged to be responsible for your own learning and to respond with great commitment to the demands that will be made to enable you to reach your potential.
As sixth form students you will be given the opportunity to build on the leadership skills you have gained at Key Stages 3 and 4. As senior members of the school you will be role models for the main body of the school. You will have the chance to take a lead in community and charity events and act as mentors. In taking such opportunities you will discover the depth of your own resources and serve the school and its community in many valuable ways.