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REAL Success for GCSE & BTEC students

REAL Success for our GCSE and L2 BTEC students

This morning, students and staff came together to celebrate as they were congratulated on achieving an outstanding set of GCSE and BTEC results! Our students have been awarded a fantastic set of grades and should be very proud of their achievements.

The provisional results 29% of grades are 9-7, and 78% are 9-4. It was great to see so many students achieving GCSE grade 4 or above in English (89%) and in Mathematics (82%). We are incredibly proud to commend the following boys who attained 10 grade 9/8: Arnav, Luke, Adam, Sadeed, Remy, and Evan. Additionally, 25 more students were rewarded with 10 or more top grades of 9-7. We are equally as pleased to celebrate every student as they have made excellent progress and achieved beyond their expectations whilst at Rutlish School.


The majority of the cohort has chosen to stay at Rutlish and have enrolled on to RR6 courses. We say farewell and best wishes to our students who have chosen alternative paths and courses to pursue courses at local colleges and other schools such as construction and engineering courses.

This dedicated cohort of Rutlish students has truly embodied the school vision of Aspiration and Learning, alongside Respect and Equality. We are delighted with the achievements of every single student and thrilled that their hard work has resulted in such tremendous success. Very well done to all!




Ms Howarth, Headteacher