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Celebrating Student Achievement 

There are different opportunities for students to celebrate their achievements including our annual prize giving and termly Celebration of Achievement assemblies.

Rutlish Rewards

Rutlish rewards is the way for students to be rewarded as they progress through the school: the system allows teachers to award students electronic house points which are redeemable on a wide selection of rewards from our personalised rewards shop.

Student's log-in details are synchronised with Rutlish365 and can be accessed via the student's homepage after logging into Rutlish365. Students can check how many house points have been awarded, Discover activities that can be achieved to earn house points and earn display badges for completing additional tasks such as the 'Shakespeare badge for earning 50 house points in English' by logging on to the Rutlish Rewards platform. 

House points are awarded to students for academic attainment and sustained effort and enthusiasm. They are also awarded for any contributions made within the school and the wider community.

In Years 12 and 13 the information is also used by tutors to write references for UCAS and job applications.

Celebration of Achievement Assemblies

Achievement Assemblies are held termly and are an excellent opportunity to celebrate achievements in a formal, high profile manner. There are a wide range of categories that students are recognised including; house records, attendance and punctuality, respect medals, Resilient Rutlishian Awards  and rewards for the number of achievement/Vivo points achieved.

Prize Giving

We celebrate the success of our students at Prize Giving during the autumn term. The evening is attended by students and guest to recognise not only academic progress and achievement, but also achievements and progress in a number of areas of school life, including sporting, artistic and dramatic contribution, leadership roles and community service.

Jack Petchey Achievement Awards

The Jack Petchey Achievement Award Scheme enables schools to recognise effort, endeavour and achievement of young people. Click here for information about the Jack Petchey Foundation.