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Student Leadership

Junior Leadeship Team

The Junior Leadership Team (JLT) are regarded as ambassadors of the school by staff, governors and parent/carers and are looked up to by younger students. They set exemplary standards at all times.

The JLT are appointed towards the end of the Spring Term of Year 10. As well as Head boy and Deputy Head Boys there are a team of senior prefects who have a variety of roles and responsibilities in the school; some of the opportunities are listed below.

Anti-Bullying Ambassadors

Anti-Bullying Ambassadors are responsible for raising awareness of bullying, leading on campaigns, promoting kindness and for helping their peers stay safe both online and offline. They are trained by a member of staff from the Diana Award Anti-Bullying Ambassador Programme.

Charity Representatives

Supporting local, national and international charities is an important part of Rutlish life. The Charity Representatives take responsibility for organising and raising money through a variety of events.

Department Ambassadors

Our Department Ambassadors are students who are selected and trained to work within specific department and/or school areas.

House Representatives

Students in Year 12 and 10 can take on the role of House and Vice house Captain to champion our successful House ethos and competition. They create and deliver events and inspire participation across the school.

House Representatives help organise and participate house events for their tutor group and  will encourage others to take part.

Literacy and Numeracy Representatives

These representatives promote activities and encourage tutor groups to participate. They work with to Senior Student on the JLT.

Team London Young Ambassadors

Team London Ambassadors is an organisation aimed at helping and promoting a fairer and more equal society. It is a national organisation supported by the Mayor of London to get the London youth active in philanthropic works. Rutlish is proud to be part of such an exciting project. Together we will be holding charity events in the hope of raising as much money for those in need both nationally and internationally. 

Tutor Group Representatives

Tutor Group Representatives are elected by their tutor and tutor group and act as a link between their class, School Council and the student leadership groups listed above.

Wellbeing Ambassadors

Wellbeing ambassadors are responsible for:

  • Peer mentoring
  • Signposting students in school to support available for mental health and wellbeing
  • Liaising with Place2Be, who support students in school
  • Challenging the stigma around mental health
School Council

Students in each year group are given the opportunity to represent their year on the School Council.

What is our School Council?

  • Giving students a chance to say what they want
  • A place where views are listened to
  • Sharing ideas
  • Giving students experience of creating new initiatives
  • Respecting students
  • Respecting the environment around our school
  • Involving the whole school community
  • Making a platform for students to have the right to express their views