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Examination Results Summer 2023


To compare our School’s results, please check the government website: click here.

Year 11 Headline - for academic year 2022-2023

Progress 8 0.90
Attainment 8 58.75%
Maths - Grade 5+ 69%
English - Grade 5+ 80%
EBacc average point score 5.28
Achieving EBacc at grade 5+ 31%
Achieving EBacc at grade 4+ 37%

To enter the EBACC students must complete the following

  • English Language
  • English Literature
  • Maths
  • Two Sciences
  • A Modern Foreign Language (MFL)
  • History or Geography
Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparison between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.
Whilst English, Maths and Science are compulsory the completion of a MFL and Humanity subject are dependent on students individual options.
























Stayed on to RR6 156 67.83% 135 59.47% 140 61% 113 48.5% 104 46%
Education, not RR6 61 26.52% 86 37.89% 80 34% 113 48.5% 107 47%
Apprenticeship/training 0 0% 1 0.44% 0 0% 5 2.1% 0 0%
Unknown 13 5.65% 4 1.76% 6 3% 0 0% 15 6%
Moved abroad/out of area 1 0.43% 1 0.44% 3 1% 1 0.4% 2 1%
TOTAL 230 100% 227 100% 229 100% 232 100% 228 100%

Students make outstanding progress and in many subjects progress is above the national average. Ofsted found "staff, pupils and governors are ambitious and committed to ensuring that the school, provides an excellent education."

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic and subsequent changes to the summer 2020 and summer 2021 exam series there is no performance data published for 2019-2020 or 2020-2021.

Year 11 GCSE 2023

Subject 9-7 (Grade A*/A) Rutlish

9-7 (Grade A*/A) Boys national

9-4 (Grade A* - C) Rutlish 9-4 (Grade A* - C) Boys national
  % % % %
English Language 23 15 86 66
English Literature 24 16 85 68
Mathematics 43 22 87 73
Biology 65 41 100 90
Chemistry 62 43 100 90
Physics 75 46 100 90
Double Science 6 8 72 55
Computer Science 57 23 91 63
French 49 21 80 65
Geography 36 21 83 62
German 23 24 83 73
History 45 22 85 61
Spanish 36 21 89 64
Art 23 13 60 63
Design Technology 10 17 66 60
Drama 13 17 100 66
Economics 32 34 88 81
Media 11 11 79 59
Music 33 31 100 73
Physical Education 10 18 63 70
Religious Education 39 24 85 66

 Year 11 Vocational Courses 2023

  Distinction / Distinction* (Level 2) Distinction* - Pass (Level 2)
BTEC Enterprise 55% 90%
BTEC Performing Arts 25% 100%
BTEC Sport 17% 67%
BTEC Media 14% 79%
OCR IMedia 0% 73%

Students make outstanding progress and in many subjects, progress is above the national average. Ofsted found "staff, pupils and governors are ambitious and committed to ensuring that the school provides an excellent education."

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic and subsequent changes to the summer 2020 and summer 2021 exam series there is no performance data published for 2019-2020 or 2020-2021. 

"Rutlish School should be congratulated for their stunning achievement in improving their GCSE results. Rutlish School has proved itself to be one of the best schools in the country at improving GCSE outcomes for their students. There is plenty that other schools could learn from Rutlish School’s success”. 
Sue Williamson
Chief Executive of SSAT

RR6 – Attainment 2023

Average grade A levels B-
Average grade Applied General (Vocational) Merit +























University 95 70% 96 86% 88 81.5% 57 88% 59 76%
Industry degree scholarship 4 3% 0 0% 2 1.8% 0 0% 0 0%
Deferred university entry 8 6% 3 2.5% 11 10.3% 1 1.5% 1 1%
Planned gap year 26 19% 8 7% 4 3.7% 2 3% 7 9%
Apprenticeship/employment 1 1% 3 2.5% 1 0.9% 1 1.5% 7 9%
Further education 1 1% 2 2% 2 1.8% 0 0% 4 5%
Non university* 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 4 6% 0 0%
Total 135 100% 112 100% 108 100% 65 100% 78 100%

*Applying for jobs / apprenticeships

University destinations for our sixth form leavers:  DESTiNATIONS

RR6 – A Level A-A*% A*-B% A-C%
Art 50 67 100
Art 3D Design 20 40 70
Biology 19 42 84
Business Studies 13 38 69
Chemistry 17 33 54
Computer Science 38 67 86
Economics 27 64 77
English Literature 14 39 68
Film Studies 13 40 100
French 25 50 75
Further Maths 39 61 94
Geography 22 46 84
German 0 33 67
Politics 38 57 71
History 10 60 87
Maths 55 78 93
Physics 32 47 68
Psychology 13 48 73
Philosophy 13 44 63
Sociology 26 52 80
Spanish 25 75 100


BTEC Level 3 extended certificate unless stated otherwise.

A*-A equivalent


A*-C equivalent


A*-E equivalent


Business Studies 8 50 100
Digital Film & Video 19 48 100
Health & Social Care 30 60 100
ICT 6 31 100
Law 4 30 96
Performing Arts 18 73 100
Photography 50 67 100
Sport 23 69 100
Psychology 21 41 95
Production 60 60 100

RR6 is our joint sixth form with Ricards Lodge High School.  

To compare our 16-18 results please follow the link to the government website:        click here