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What our sixth form students say


I chose RR6 so that I could continue to access the high quality teaching and facilities that I had experienced at Rutlish, and because I knew that the results the 6th form achieved were very good.

What subjects are you studying at RR6?photo of student

Photography, Geography, German and EPQ

What do you enjoy most about your studies?

I enjoy the community feel that there is both in and out of lessons.

What do you plan to do in the future after RR6?

I plan to go to university and study design.


I chose RR6 because I wanted a new start and meet new people.

What subjects are you studying at RR6?RR6 student photo

History, Psychology and Film Studies

What do you enjoy most about your studies?

The people and the new information.

What do you plan to do in the future after RR6?

Go to university and get a good job.


 I wanted to study at RR6 because I enjoyed my time at Ricards from years 7-11. I liked the curriculum for each of my subjects and wanted to continue my education in a familiar and friendly environment.

What subjects are you studying at RR6?RR6 student

English Literature, Geography and Art

What do you enjoy most about your studies?

I enjoy learning new knowledge and skills that I can transfer into my daily life, as well as my future.

What do you plan to do in the future after RR6?

After RR6, I plan to go to university to study English.


I chose RR6 because I know the schools well, know the teachers well, and they're local schools.

What subjects are you studying at RR6?

Music, Sport, Film Studies and EPQ

What do you enjoy most about your studies?

The practical side of all of my subjects and how they apply to my future.

What do you plan to do in the future after RR6?

Travel the world and study at university.