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RR6 Curriculum

16 to 19 study programmes at RR6 are designed to provide students with a structured and challenging individualised learning programme that supports their development and progression in line with their future career plans.

Our current RR6 Online Prospectus can be accessed by following this link:

RR6 offers study programmes which provide our students: 

  1. Progression to a higher level of study than their prior attainment (L3 courses)
  2. A-levels and or L3 vocational qualification that will take up the majority of their programme (normally equivalent to 3 A level qualifications)
  3. Extension Awards – additional qualifications that support skills development for students’ progression post-18 – including the EPQ and Sports Leadership Awards.
  4. English and mathematics GCSE provision for those who have not yet achieved a grade 4.
  5. Non-qualification activities, for example:
  • tutorials
  • assemblies
  • enrichment programme
  • work experience
  • PSHE programme of study
  • Careers advice and support for entry into HE, training or employment

All study programmes focus on maximising progression to the next stage of education, employment or an apprenticeship.

sixth form students working together


sixth form students in a science lesson



Pathways at RR6 offer students the opportunity to take a study programme which reflects their prior attainment, education and career goals.

Pathway 1: Where students have achieved 8 or more GCSEs, including English and Maths, at Grades 9-7, 4 full A’ Levels or Level 3 BTEC courses.

Pathway 2: Where students have achieved 7 or more GCSEs, including English and Maths, at Grades 9-6 3 full A Levels or Level 3 BTEC courses, plus an additional one-year Level 3 course from our offer (e.g. EPQ or Sports Leaders Awards).

Pathway 3: Where students have achieved 5 or more GCSEs, including English and Maths, at Grade 4, 3 full A’ Levels or Level 3 BTEC courses. In exceptional circumstances, students with Distinction / Distinction+ grades in performing arts subjects, but grade 3 in GCSE English and/or Mathematics may be considered for progression on to Pathway 3 in the relevant performing arts subjects only. They will then re-sit the GCSE Maths and English courses in year 12.


Where students have not yet achieved a GCSE grade 4 in English and or Mathematics, they have timetabled lessons providing tuition and support towards examinations in November and June if required. Both subjects are taught by subject specialists.


20 mins per morning is devoted to registration and tutor time covering a range of activities with a prescribed but flexible focus. Additionally, one hour per fortnight is dedicated to academic tutor support including interventions, folder updates and checks.


One hour per fortnight is timetabled for all students to follow a structured but flexible Assembly programme. The content covers a wide range of topics including SMSC and British values, celebration of events and days around the world, current affairs, self-development and any other topical points.


One hour per fortnight is timetabled for all students to participate in a specific project to complete in the school community and beyond. Examples include helping younger students in lessons, clubs, and sporting activities and skills development as technicians.

RR6 enrichment programme poster



RR6 supports students in organising a two week work shadowing placement in the summer term of year 12. Students and parents are briefed at the start of the spring term and encouraged to consider the skills and relevant experience of theses two weeks to support post 18 applications. The careers advisor and tutors support students to find placements which are purposeful, integral to their programme of study and of benefit to inform career choices. As part of the PSHE programme, the students are prepared for work experience through discussions of expected attitudes and behaviour, previous experience and reflection of learning. Some students benefit from regular career specific experience as part of the fortnightly enrichment programme (see PSHE).


Students follow a structured but flexible 2 year PSHE programme. The focus of skill development is exploration, information and inspiration. The content covers a wide range of topics including current affairs, personal development, careers and employability skills, SMSC and British values. Themes covered include: transition into sixth form, study skills, expectations, independence, networking, online security, social media, becoming an adult, healthy relationships, respect, consent and preparing for my future.


All career advice is tailored to the individual. The advice helps the students to bring together all their learning including academic pathways and the above non qualification provision focussing on maximising their individual progression to the next stage of education, employment or an apprenticeship and beyond. The 2 year careers advice includes:

  • Individual career interview
  • External presentations covering apprenticeships, higher education and employment
  • Parent information evenings
  • UCAS support programme and interview preparation
  • Student Finance
  • University opportunities and attendance at UCAS HE and Careers Fair
  • Widening participation in Higher Education
  • Oxbridge support
  • Further guidance and support on results day.