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We are very proud of our Year 13 students who have excelled themselves in their first ever set of external exam results. Students were delighted to receive their results this morning and we are pleased to announce they have attained excellent A Level and Level 3 BTEC grades. 

We congratulate all our students who have secured some great university places and apprenticeships.  With 97% of our students applying to university, over 40% of those gained one or more offers from Russell Group universities and the remaining students have offers from other competitive universities in the UK. Computer Science was once again one of the more popular study choices with students going on to pursue this at universities such as Warwick, Lancaster, and Queen Mary’s University of London and King’s. Another ever popular subject is Engineering where our students will be taking up places at Sheffield, Bath, Lancaster and Surrey.  Others will be studying Medicine at Brighton & Sussex Medical School, History and Politics at King’s, Mathematics at Warwick and King’s, Law at Durham and UCL, Psychology at Loughborough and Sports Science at Surrey and Bath. One of our students has gained an Engineering apprenticeship at Rolls Royce and another student, a TV Production apprenticeship at Sky Sports.

37% of A Level results are A* to A, 68% A* to B.  95% of Level 3 BTEC results are Distinction*, Distinction and Merit grades. These superb results reflect the hard work and commitment of students, staff and support from their families. Our students have shown amazing resilience throughout the last two years caused by the disruption of the Covid19 pandemic; we are really proud of each and every student’s achievement. 20 students obtained a full house of A* and A grades, Distinction* and Distinction grades. I would like to give a special mention to Artur for gaining four A* grades and to Arthur, Dmitry, Jay, Kian, Nilan for three A* grades.

We wish all our students the very best of luck for the future!