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Do you shop at Morrisons?  If you do, you will be able to help the school by collecting "Grow Tokens". 

You simply need to log in to your MyMorrisons account by going to  mymorrisons or you can download the MyMorrisons app. Once you have registered you will be asked to select the school you wish to donate your tokens to. After each shop you can log in to your account and donate.

Every time you shop Rutlish will benefit!

If we receive enough equipment we hope to run a gardening club.

Rutlish is lucky to have a large, green site with two designated areas for gardens. One is our Memorial, wellbeing garden which has been redeveloped over the last year. We also have an ecology garden near to Centenary Square.

Find out more here: memorial garden

photo of the memorial garden


photo of the wellbeing garden