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Our winning poem for Mental Health Awareness Week 2021 has been chosen.

 This week is Mental Health Awareness Week 2021. Student and staff wellbeing is important to us at Rutlish School, especially after a challenging year for us all.

Update: 19 May 2021

Last week we announced our student poetry competition and we had some wonderful entries. The winning  haiku poem was from 10A:

Being vulnerable
You can be great and flawed too
You are a human

Some of the other entires included:

Precious is your mood
Mental health is valuable
Look after yourself

Life confuses me  
Wishing I could disappear  
People surround me

People say I'm fine
Underneath my shell I’m sad
Weeping tears of fear

Stress and depression
It attacks you and your brain
You can overcome! 

Rain on my window
is the only peace I find.
White noise on my mind.

Words can’t show this
feeling in my heart
so I say, “I’m fine.”


11 May 2021

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week 2021. Student and staff wellbeing is important to us at Rutlish School, especially after a challenging year for us all.

Rutlish work with Place2Be to support student mental health. To find out more please follow this link.

This week's house competition links to mental health awareness week. Students have been challenged to write a haiku poem about mental health.

A haiku poem is particularly tricky. Just 3 lines with 17 syllables in total. Each line with a set number of syllables: line 1 five, line 2 seven and line 3 five syllables.

To find out more about our house system please visit our page on the website.