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Year 9 and 10 - Paris Trip 2024

Quel voyage et quelle expérience! Year 9 and Year10 had an amazing trip to Paris last week end and enjoyed discovering the capital over the 4 days we spent there. We were lucky to see the Olympics preparations and to have the sun shining!

Activities ranged from going up the Eiffel Tower, going on a river cruise, exploring Notre Dame and Le Louvre, as well as having our own tour of the Parc des Princes where the students had the opportunities to try and score penalties on the famous pitch!

The rides in Parc Astérix were enjoyed by all and the last day in Montmartre and the Sacré Coeur, as well as making the most of the sales in the shops, were a perfect opportunity for students to practice their French. They were all happily surprised that the French we taught them was understood by “real French people”.

The students behaviour was outstanding and they were a real credit to the school! Parisians even commented on a good few occasion on how polite and well behaved they were everywhere we went, and especially on the tube.

It made it all worth while for the staff who had given their weekend to see how much the students enjoyed the trip and the skills they gained while abroad.